GroupAssure: Compliance automation software

Compliance solutions for U.S. enterprises, government agencies, 和 trade associations.

GroupAssureTM ICF的合规自动化软件是否包含一个复杂的安全模型,提供灵活的访问控制和工作流程, 使我们能够为个别部门和明升体育m88定制和交付专注的法规遵循解决方案,同时利用我们在工作流和法规遵循解决方案的软件开发方面的专业知识.

Automation 和 Expertise

要演示我们如何为其他组织利用GroupAssure,请参阅我们的案例研究 Compliance Automation for Physical SecurityIndustry-Focused Solution for 网络安全.

Physical Security 解决方案

Cyber Security 解决方案

  • 提醒工具
  • 扫描工具


risk评估套件的应用程序帮助我们的联邦客户遵守机构间安全委员会(ISC)的物理安全指导方针,并进行一致和结构化的risk评估, 使他们能够根据ISC手册和基于设计的威胁(DBT)确定每个机构facility的risk。. risk评估工具已获得ISC认证,用于我们的一个大型联邦客户.



  • Calculates the Facility Security Level (FSL) in accordance with ISC guidelines
  • 结合ISC的DBT信息,以确定facility的必要保护级别
  • 提供一份risk评估问卷,通过指出在facility中采取的对策来评估facility的保护水平
  • 提供risk接受表,用于记录由于成本或其他机构限制而选择不修复已知漏洞的情况
  • Provides HTML, PDF, 和 Excel versions of a final risk assessment report
  • 为评估期间确定的物理安全缺陷生成补救项列表


  • Stores a list of all remediation items identified in the risk评估工具 per facility
  • 允许负责物理安全的人员为物理安全项目申请资金
  • 允许负责监督物理安全计划的人员批准资金请求, track remediation of issues, 和 monitor the budget used for addressing deficiencies


  • 显示基于FSL确定的每个facility的risk评估截止日期和每个facility的最后评估日期


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Facility Security Plan Suite

facility安全计划套件应用程序帮助我们的联邦客户遵守机构间安全委员会(ISC)指导方针,制定确定安全责任的书面facility安全计划(FSP), 紧急联系人, response procedures for Eventss, 以及根据国家恐怖主义预警系统临时升级的应急计划. By using this suite of applications, our clients can develop a consistent set of FSPs for all facilities nationwide.


Facility Security Plan Questionnaire

  • Contains a customizable series of questions; answers are imported into the FSP template

Facility Security Plan Tool

  • Contains the FSP template (with answers from the questionnaire)
  • Contains the FSP approval form
  • Contains a log of all FSP approval actions
  • 提供自动提醒通知,每年更新和重新提交FSP


  • 为密钥发放、疏散演习、IDS测试和激活等提供日志记录功能.
  • Provides capabilities to create custom logs
  • Provides ability to import log information into the FSP template


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Incident Reporting Tool

Events报告工具允许我们的客户报告与其facility相关的物理安全Events或其facility附近可能在某种程度上影响他们的Events. 客户使用此工具中的信息来识别物理安全Events较高的facility,以便他们可以分配更多资源来保护这些facility.



  • 为人身安全Events(如袭击、纵火、盗窃等)提供Events表.
  • Allows for attaching additional documentation such as police reports, FPS reports, etc.
  • Sends automated email notifications regarding the Events

Incident Reporting Administration

  • Allows for editing 和 redacting Events reports
  • Provides analysis reporting of all Eventss (e.g., the number of assaults that occurred in May 2016)


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Physical Access Management/访客管理 Tool


*Dependent on the availability of a PACS API to provide desired functionality/connectivity.


Physical Access Management

  • Provides an interface for requesting access for employees 和 contractors.
  • Provides an interface for requesting access for visitors.
  • Provides an interface for approving access requests.
  • Sends automated email notifications to those responsible for approving the requests.
  • Sends automated notifications to requestor when approvals have been granted.
  • Supports automated revocation of access upon employee termination per HSPD-12 requirements.
  • Can integrate with agency card management 和 identity management systems.


  • Provides an interface for checking guests into 和 out of a facility.
  • Assigns access levels to visitor badges immediately upon check-in.
  • 在签出或访问期满时立即取消对访问者徽章的访问级别分配.
  • Provides an interface for managing the Denial of Access list.


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Workplace 和 Domestic Violence Case Management Tool

workplace和家庭暴力案件管理工具帮助我们的联邦客户遵守《明升体育m88》, 性侵犯, 跟踪政策.


Workplace 和 Domestic Violence Reporting Form

  • An Events form for reporting workplace 和 domestic violence issues

Workplace 和 Domestic Violence Case Management

  • 提供一个管理接口,用于分配危机处理小组(CAT)成员对应用程序的访问权限
  • Provides a queue for holding all submitted Events forms
  • Allows for tracking the status of cases from beginning through resolution
  • 允许创建可能包含一个或多个提交的Events报告的案例
  • Allows for the merging of cases into a single case
  • Provides an audit page listing all changes made to the case
  • Provides reporting on case statistics


View all of our Physical Security 解决方案




守卫监督工具 Administration

  • Provides an interface for configuring facilities, entrances, 和 posts
  • 提供一个管理接口,用于配置post schedule,使其包括假日和其他特殊Events的覆盖schedule
  • Provides an interface for managing guards
  • Provides an interface for managing guard training
  • Provides an interface for viewing the staffing of each guard post
  • 提供一个界面,用于在选定的时间范围内查看每个警卫的登录/注销活动
  • 允许自动发送电子邮件,当一个职位在预定的时间内没有工作人员,从职位开始
  • 允许发送自动电子邮件,当警卫签到一个岗位,他/她没有必要的培训

Guard Sign-In/Sign-Out Interface

  • 在每个入口提供一个界面,仅列出该入口可供人员配置的职位
  • 提供一个可配置的选项,允许警卫只有在接受过该职位所需的培训后才能登录该职位


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